Jorge, Your Website Dude
So you have arrived at my site and just may be considering doing business with me.
But who does business with people they don’t know?!!
Hmm, dilemma. But since I can’t meet you personally, I’ll give you a brief background so that you may know just who you are considering for your web partner.
Not so many lives ago, I was an internet corporate executive. I began my web career in 1995 and worked my way up the ladder in several large companies. And as a seasoned member of the Internet industry, I combine in-depth technical expertise with a keen business sense, helping businesses put the web to profitable, productive use. My “hybrid” personality of a techie with people skills makes me easy to work with and understand… unlike some techie savant-programmer types that mildly make you worry for you safety.
So, I come from a corporate background… but now I’m on my own. I left “the man” to be “my own man”.
…And I love the freedom.
Now it’s just me and my laptop. No overhead. No big office space. No huge payroll. No huge corporate salary either… enough to take care of the bills and a little for savings. But the freedom…! I love the freedom and flexibility to go work at the beach if I like, or in my backyard with its active mockingbird community.
Idealistic, yes. But it beats having to be in a suit all day attending management meetings. At least for me.
I’m Not Bragging…
OK, I am. Just a little.
But hey, I am trying to earn your business, right?… I should let you know what I’ve done.
So here we go…
I began my media career at The Miami Herald/KnightRidder.com/Miami.com in Miami, where I made my mark selling print and online combination packages, quickly working up the ranks to become the Custom Web Development Sales Manager. My accomplishments caught the eye of the then-Publisher of The Herald, who chose me to lead the web initiative of a newly acquired magazine where I went on to develop the company wide business model for print and web packaged sales.
At Swiss media giant Real Media (formerly a PubliGroupe Company), I served as Manager of Strategic Sales for Latin America, developing new digital advertising products for newspaper publishers and selling them to blue chip companies, making major contributions to the company’s global strategic steering committee.
Another step in my career was orchestrating the re-launch of the website for the international newspaper Tiempos del Mundo (a Washington Times owned property), creating the company’s sales model for print and online packaging, developing original content like video newscasts and audiocasts, and defining the user experience through site design. I began as Director of Web Advertising and was quickly promoted to Director of Sales for Print and Web.
I am a self-proclaimed renaissance man in development. My pursuits include winemaking, painting, cooking, hydroponics and mountain biking. If you want to know about some of the AWARDS I picked up along the way, there’s a page for that. Wanna know even more? CONTACT me. Because Your Website Dude is an open book kinda guy!